My approach to growing is informed by the credo healthy soil = healthy plants = healthy people.

I opt to design with native plants and their far reaching root systems. I farm regeneratively with soil building, erosion minimizing practices, and I build foodscapes so people can have their yard and eat it too.

Coffee, greens, turmeric, and fruit farming on the Big Island of Hawaii (Keaola'ola Farm)

Selecting new kale varieties for sensory analysis (with Cornell AgriTech)

Coffee, greens, turmeric, and fruit farming on the Big Island of Hawaii (Keaola'ola Farm)

Managing the regeneration of 4 acres of vegetables at Space on Ryder Farm

Trialing new tomato varieties at the NYC Market (with Cornell AgriTech)

Leading the pack

Pollinator prairie garden with Walkabout Outdoor

Transforming Common Ground Meditation Center (with Walkabout Outdoor)